Community Outreach/Prevention
We provide community education on abuse and neglect recognition and
reporting, host numerous activities during Child Abuse Prevention Month in April
each year, provide parenting education, all year long, through a nationally
recognized model known as Incredible Years, and much more!
We spread awareness on Shaken Baby Syndrome, to ensure the severity of the
form of child abuse that happens when an infant or small child is violently
shaken. In the USA alone, it is reported over 1,300 babies are affected annually.
We work with community partners to offer HUBS for parents who want to learn
about Triple P Parenting intervention; with the main goals of increasing the
knowledge, skills, and confidence of parents and reducing the prevalence of
mental health, emotional, and behavioral problems in children and adolescents.
We plant pinwheels each April in honor of the children served by our agency.
Many of these children and their families are offered help through other
programs we offer like community baby showers for expectant or new mothers,
parenting courses on child development and parenting skills, and enlist the
community in support of Christmas for our children in foster care or kin homes.
If you see something, say something. We offer Mandated Reporter training for
local agencies who have staff that may be reporting abuse or neglect, who need
assistance with the required information our staff will ask for during the report
plus the steps that follow regarding the screening decision and what that
language means.
If you are interested in learning more about Community Outreach, call