Foster Parent Program
Foster care is about ordinary people doing extraordinary things. It is about opening your
home and your heart to a child who is not safe in his or her home due to abuse, neglect or
dependency. These children need a temporary, safe and nurturing environment where
they can thrive while their parents address the challenges in their lives with the
expectation that the child and parents will be reunited. When this outcome is not
possible, foster parents help prepare the child for adoption. Foster parenting is
rewarding, life-changing, heartbreaking and joyful. Are you ready for this adventure?
Foster Parents are Heros Who:
• Care for children of all ages, races, and religions from all geographic areas.
• Meet the basic day-to-day needs of the children and work with the family’s
social worker regarding family member visitations, special treatment needs of
the child and the hopeful reunification of the child with the family.
• Are open to a child’s past, willing to adjust their parenting to fit a child’s needs,
and are vital members of the treatment team.
• Help the child heal from past experiences and to grow emotionally,
psychologically and educationally.
• Enjoy the challenges and rewards that come from helping youth develop
self-esteem and a healthy perspective on life.
• Share their hearts, their homes and their family experience.
Foster Parent Qualifications:
• You must be over 21 years old.
• You can be married, single, or divorced.
• You can have other children.
• You can own or rent your home or apartment.
If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, please call 740-439-5555 or Email: