Who is Our Board?
Our Board is made up of seven community volunteers who meet monthly at
Guernsey County Children Services.
Meetings are held the first Monday of each month, adjustments made for
federally celebrated holidays.
Persons wanting to address the Board, must contact the Executive Director by
calling 740.439.5555 at least 7 days before the meeting.
GCCS adheres to Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22 The Open Meetings Act
regarding business of the Board.
Our Board ensures that we are operating in a fiscally sound and transparent
manner and work in service to our mission and strategic goals. These volunteers
monitor our work as public stewards with integrity and accountability.
Pete Mikula
Mark Clifford
Vice President
Tina Nicolozakes
Meg Miller
Board Member
Dalton Summers
Board Member
Lillian Harbin
Board Member
Nicole Caldwell
Executive Director
Dr. Ellen Kumler
Board Member
Marie McElroy
Business Director